Tag Archives: nclr

Speed Read: Tuesday 15 October 2013

Federal judge may rule tomorrow on whether Michigan must start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Supreme Court hears case today that could affect future ballot challenges to state bans on marriage equality. New Jersey Senate candidate fires top aide

Post-DOMA: Litigation abounds to secure details and free states that still have bans, including in the south

“The lay of the land is getting a bit complicated,” says James Esseks, director of the ACLU’s National LGBT and AIDS Project. Esseks, who was one of the attorneys involved in pressing the case of Edith Windsor –the case which

Roberts leads decision to uphold health reform law

In a dramatic move with significant political and economic implications, a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday (June 28) voted to uphold President Obama’s landmark health care reform law.

DOJ, NCLR win improvements to school

The National Center for Lesbian Rights joined with the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education Tuesday in an agreement with a Minnesota school district to take steps to prevent harassment of students who do not conform to gender stereotypes.

New HUD rule called ‘truly historic’

In a speech before a national LGBT conference on Saturday (January 28), U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan said President Obama views the fight for LGBT equality “not as an issue, but as a priority.”

California court says Prop 8 proponents have standing in fed court

In what amounts to a bump in the road for opponents of Proposition 8, a unanimous California Supreme Court told a federal appeals court November 17 that California law “authorizes” the proponents of the initiative to defend it in federal

New guidelines for same-sex parenting and custody

Many contentious lawsuits involving the rights of LGBT people have occurred when a biological parent uses anti-LGBT laws to try and deny a child’s non-biological parent custody or visitation. Several LGBT organizations have published a revised set of standards aimed

California court seems torn over Prop 8 standing issue

Proponents of Proposition 8 argued Tuesday that Yes on 8 must be granted standing to defend the California same-sex marriage ban in federal court; opponents argued Yes on 8 must be denied standing.

A new era of litigation: The complications of defining spouse

A lesbian's surviving spouse is fighting her parents in two different courts. In probate court in Illinois, they are fighting over her will. In a federal court in Pennsylvania, they are trying to influence a judge's determination of who should

9th Circuit punts key Prop 8 question to California Supreme Court

A 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel surprised many Proposition 8 observers Tuesday when it suddenly issued five documents relating to the case. But there was no decision Tuesday in Perry v. Schwarzenegger.