Tag Archives: nclr

“Justice that arrives like a thunderbolt”: On same-sex marriage “the fight is over”

June 26 has been solidified as the historic date for LGBT history in the United States. It is the day in 2003 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could not enforce laws prohibiting same-sex adults from having intimate relations. It is

Supreme Court upholds health insurance subsidies critical to people with HIV

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6 to 3 decision, upheld the right of the federal government to provide health care insurance subsidies to people with low income in states that have chosen not to participate in the Affordable Care

Abercrombie case: LGBT and evangelicals on the same side

It is a rare occasion when LGBT legal activists find themselves on the same side of a case as the conservative Christian Legal Society and the National Association of Evangelicals. It is also rare to find LGBT legal activists on

A looming dilemma: Choosing an advocate

Just beyond the February 27 deadline for filing their briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court, the 36 attorneys signed onto briefs to strike down bans on marriage for same-sex couples will face another looming task. They must choose who will

Speed Read: All eyes on Supreme Court

Seven major LGBT groups have withdrawn their support for ENDA, amidst a raging debate over whether the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision is good or bad for the community and whether the LGBT community should accept a religious exemption to

Legal activists call Hobby Lobby decision ‘radical’ and will require vigilance to protect LGBT equality

Some LGBT legal activists say today’s decision in a U.S. Supreme Court religious exemption case amounts to a “dangerous and radical departure from existing law that creates far more questions than it answers.”

Supreme Court: Another June of ‘major moments’ pending

June is the final month of the U.S. Supreme Court’s current session and, while anticipation is not nearly so great this year for the LGBT community as it was last year, there is some concern in the air. This year,

Speed Read: Speaking of Dred Scott

The Tenth Circuit judges asked questions at yesterday's hearing to examine the similarities between the current challenge to a ban on same-sex marriage and such historic legal conflicts as the Dred Scott case over a former slave's status as a

Speed Read: Endorsing extremists?

The Texas Equity political action committee of the statewide LGBT political group Equality Texas raised some eyebrows last month when, for the first time ever, it endorsed for a state House seat a Republican that some characterize as a Tea

Speed Read: Friday 18 October 2013

Oregon will recognize marriage licenses of same-sex couples married in other states. New Jersey Supreme Court could announce today whether it will stop marriages from happening Monday. MSNBC host explains why he's heading to Russia for a gig. California Attorney