Category Archives: Adoption
Trump moves to undermine non-discrim regs in foster care
The Trump administration this month approved a request from South Carolina to funnel federal funds for foster care into agencies that discriminate on the basis of religion. The move is expected to jeopardize regulations barring sexual orientation and gender identity
Supreme Court refuses couple’s plea
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday (October 11) refused to hear a case that challenged a sort of “back door discrimination” against a gay couple by a Louisiana state official.
New guidelines for same-sex parenting and custody
Many contentious lawsuits involving the rights of LGBT people have occurred when a biological parent uses anti-LGBT laws to try and deny a child’s non-biological parent custody or visitation. Several LGBT organizations have published a revised set of standards aimed
Lambda takes family case to the U.S. Supreme Court
Lambda Legal Defense is taking its fight for same-sex families to the U.S. Supreme Court. The case, Adar v. Darlene Smith, involves a gay male couple--Oren Adar and Mickey Ray Smith--who sought an amended birth certificate for the boy they
Church supports rights of LGBT parents and their children
The United Church of Christ (UCC), the denomination to which President Obama belonged for two decades, resoundingly approved two resolutions support of civil rights for LGBT people--including the first-ever resolution by a major Christian denomination affirming the right of LGBT
New bill seeks end to adoption bias
Hundreds of thousands of children are in foster care in the United States, while discrimination prevents millions of willing LGBT people from being able to foster or adopt. U.S. Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) reintroduced a bill that aims to fix
5th Circuit upholds Louisiana’s denial to gay dads
In a case that calls into question the responsibility of states to recognize adoptions granted in other states, a federal circuit court said Louisiana does not have to put the names of two gay fathers on the birth certificate of
Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down adoption ban
The Arkansas Supreme Court unanimously upheld a lower court ruling that struck down the state’s ban on adoption and foster parenting by any person cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of marriage. The state high court said the law violates
Arkansas Supreme Court reconsiders adoption ban
The Arkansas Supreme Court heard arguments March 17 in a case to determine whether the state constitution will allow a law banning any person cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of marriage from adopting or foster a child. It is