Category Archives: Adoption

Delaware Supreme Court confirms lesbian mom is a parent

The Delaware Supreme Court issued a ruling upholding the right of a woman to be identified as a "de facto" parent of a child she had been raising with her former same-sex partner—a child the partner adopted but that the

Warning: Anti-Gay States May be Hazardous to Your Health

Same-sex couples with adopted children living in states with anti-gay adoption laws and attitudes had more mental health issues in their first year of parenthood than couples with adopted children living in more accepting states, a new study has found.

Federal Court Hears Case on Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Adoption

A federal circuit court heard arguments January 19 in a case that asks whether states must recognize adoptions by same-sex parents from other states--and the outcome could have "frightening" implications for the rights of adoptive parents.

North Carolina Ruling Jeopardizes Same-Sex Families

The North Carolina Supreme Court on December 20 voided the adoption by a lesbian mother of the child who she and her former partner, the biological mother, were raising together. The ruling jeopardizes the legality of all other such "second-parent

Florida attorney general does not appeal gay adoption ruling

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum announced Friday that he will not challenge a September 22 state appellate court ruling that overturned Florida’s ban on adoption by gay men or lesbians. This means the 33-year-old ban has ended.

Florida: Won’t enforce adoption ban

Florida Governor Charlie Crist (I) and George Sheldon, head of the state’s Department of Children and Families (DCF), said they would no longer enforce the state ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians.

Florida Court Overturns Adoption Ban

A Florida appeals court ruled September 22 that a gay man, Frank Martin Gill, has the right to adopt the two boys he and his partner have raised for almost six years. The decision upholds a lower court ruling that

Movement to ban gay adoption: sacrificing the well-being of children

The case of two gay foster parents in Florida has created a dilemma for the courts: either they honor state law banning adoption by gay men and lesbians or honor their duty to rule in the best interests of the

Every child deserves a family

U.S. Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) introduced a bill October 15 seeking to end discrimination against gays in adoption proceedings. The following are some excerpts from his remarks: “Currently, over 65,000 adopted children and 14,000 “foster children are living with a gay