Tag Archives: Whitewood v Wolf

Speed Read: Eyes on exemptions

A federal judge in Pennsylvania denied a county clerk's request to serve as intervenor and appeal the judge's decision striking down the state's law against same-sex couples marrying. Senator Orrin Hatch says he hopes President Obama's executive order against discrimination

Speed Read: Complications in PA and WI

A federal judge in Wisconsin refused the state's motion for a stay of her decision striking the state ban on same-sex couples marrying but said she did not instruct clerks to start issuing licenses. Clerks in about half the state's

Speed Read: ‘The ash heap of history’

A federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled that state's ban on same-sex couples marrying is unconstitutional and should be discarded "into the ash heap of history." The Ninth Circuit has granted Idaho's request for a stay pending appeal of a federal

Speed Read: Log Cabin gets booster

Houston Mayor Annise Parker has introduced a human rights bill that goes farther than many thought she would. A major trade group has promised "financial support" to Log Cabin Republicans. And Rep. David Cicilline is in the Ukraine to show