Tag Archives: White House
White House honors LGBTs
The White House announced Monday (May 20) it would honor the late astronaut Sally Ride, whose same-sex relationship was revealed after her death last year. The White House will present Ride's partner and other family members with the Medal of
House passes inclusive bill for victims of domestic abuse
In a major victory for Democrats, the U.S. House voted Thursday to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.
House VAWA excludes LGBT victims
The U.S. House is expected to begin debate Wednesday (February 27) on a bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act but one that, once again, eliminates language to ensure that victims of domestic violence can receive assistance from federally
PFLAG founder wins presidential medal
The White House announced Wednesday (February 13) that President Obama has selected PFLAG co-founder Jeanne Manford as one of 13 Presidential Citizens Medal recipients for 2012. Manford, who died at the age of 92 just last month, helped co-found Parents,
Rejecting an executive order: Is it the DADT repeal strategy or a campaign decision?
The Obama administration revealed a political calculation last week: Now is not a good time to sign an executive order prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people who work for federal contractors. There has been more than the usual expression of “disappointment” from
Drumbeat builds for new executive order
LGBT activists put together a long wish list when President Obama came into office in January 2009. On that list was a wish for the president to issue an executive order to require companies with contracts to do work for
White House Twitter session: no news
There was no breaking news on Thursday morning’s “White House Chat” with the LGBT community, but the questions posed were probably a good barometer of what many in the community believe President Obama should be doing in 2012.
Obama: ‘Leaving no one behind’
While there was only one direct reference to anything gay in President Obama’s third State of the Union address, the speech and a large number of White House activities surrounding it were inclusive of gays.
Obama: “met my commitments to the LGBT community”
President Obama told the audience at an LGBT Pride Month event at the White House Wednesday evening, June 29, that he has “met my commitments to the LGBT community.” But he also kept true to his promise at a press
Budget battle: LGBT and HIV programs escape the axe
There was a lot of talk during the final days of the federal budget negotiations that House Republican leaders were trying to insert policy amendments about "social issues" into the budget. And since the White House and Republicans struck a