Tag Archives: Utah

Speed Read: Tuesday 24 December 2013

Equality Maryland snubbed openly gay gubernatorial candidate Heather Mizeur. A federal judge in Virginia refused to dismiss a lawsuit against that state's ban on same-sex marriages. And more victories in Utah and Ohio...

Speed Read: Monday 23 December 2013

State officials in Utah will go before a federal judge this morning to ask that he place a stay on an order he issued Friday, enjoining the state from enforcing its ban on same-sex couples marrying. More than 100 couples

Federal judge strikes Utah’s marriage ban

A federal judge in Utah just issued a decision striking down that state’s ban on same-sex marriage. Obama appointee Judge Robert Shelby issued a 53-page decision, in Kitchen v. Herbert, saying the state’s current definition of marriage is not permissible under

Speed Read: Thursday 5 December 2013

A bipartisan group in the U.S. House pressured House Speaker John Boehner to move ENDA to a floor vote. A federal judge in Utah takes arguments against the state's ban on marriage under consideration. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court gets a

2010 Census trend: 50 percent more same-sex couples over 2000

With only 35 states and Puerto Rico counted, the 2010 Census has already topped the 2000 Census count of same-sex couples in all 50 states.

Movement to ban gay adoption: sacrificing the well-being of children

The case of two gay foster parents in Florida has created a dilemma for the courts: either they honor state law banning adoption by gay men and lesbians or honor their duty to rule in the best interests of the

Every child deserves a family

U.S. Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) introduced a bill October 15 seeking to end discrimination against gays in adoption proceedings. The following are some excerpts from his remarks: “Currently, over 65,000 adopted children and 14,000 “foster children are living with a gay