Tag Archives: Urvashi Vaid

George H.W. Bush: As president, ‘not our friend’

For the LGBT community, President George H.W. Bush's legacy is not that of ally but one of studied adversary who embraced prominent anti-LGBT figures of the day to solidify his political base.

Speed Read: 53% in work closet

A Human Rights Campaign study found that 53 percent of LGBT people hide their sexual orientation from almost everybody at work. Lesbian gubernatorial candidate Heather Mizeur held her own Wednesday night in the first Democratic primary debate for Maryland.

Cautionary notes on LGBT foreign initiative

Republican presidential long-shot Rick Perry was one of the first to criticize the Obama administration’s newly announced initiative to push for the human rights of LGBT people around the world. But there were some cautionary notes from the LGBT international

Best seats in the White House

At least four prominent gays were on the guest list for the Obama White House’s first State Dinner, with India, November 24. Hollywood producer David Geffen attended with his partner Jeremy Lingvall; Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg attended with his