Tag Archives: U.S. Supreme Court
Vermont judge: Fugitive mother in contempt
A family court judge in Vermont Tuesday issued a warrant for the arrest of former lesbian Lisa Miller who disappeared with the child she once shared with her former civil union partner, Janet Jenkins.
Prop 8 trial closes; Boies expresses confidence
There is nothing like turning an opponent’s own words against him to both rile his emotions and destroy his position, and that was the work of attorney David Boies Wednesday morning.
Final Yes on 8 expert concedes ‘no scientific evidence’ of harm
In the waning hours of the historic trial challenging the constitutionality of a state ban on same-sex marriage, the federal courtroom in San Francisco felt a little like a boxing arena.
Yes on 8 expert contends gays wield coalition power
Defenders of Proposition 8, the 2008 initiative that amended California’s constitution to ban same-sex marriage, began their effort Monday to defend the measure in a U.S. federal district court.
Prop 8 trial: weak allies and powerful enemies
President Obama’s name keeps coming up a lot during the trial challenging the constitutionality of California’s same-sex marriage ban.
Prop 8 opponents score hits against defense claims
Testimony in the Proposition 8 trial Tuesday began with emotional testimony by San Diego’s Republican Mayor Jerry Sanders and ended with a clear hit against the claim that same-sex marriages will somehow do harm to straight marriages.
Supreme Court’s second move alarms gay legal activists
In its second surprise move in a week, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday announced it would review another narrow dispute involving anti-gay activists’ alleged fear of harassment over their public opposition to legal recognition for same-sex relationships.
Prop 8 – Day 4: From money to mental health
The discussion at the Proposition 8 trial Thursday swung from economics to mental health. Each inquiry had its legal purpose.
Mid-day report: Thursday morning Prop 8 trial
It was mostly a numbers game in the courtroom this morning during Day 4 of the federal trial challenging Proposition 8.