Tag Archives: Title VII

7th Circuit: Title VII protects sexual orientation

A full federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation -- a ruling that will almost certainly be heading to the U.S. Supreme Court for final resolution.

Trump guts important executive order

Lambda Legal calls "very disturbing" the news Monday that President Trump revoked an executive order that included important safeguards against discrimination against LGBT people by federal contractors.

Legal groups take on Texas-led lawsuit

Five LGBT legal groups say more than a dozen states are attempting to avoid court rulings that say federal law prohibiting sex discrimination protects transgender students and employees.

EEOC decision gives concrete remedies for federal employees facing bias

A U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission decision Thursday could provide important remedies to thousands of federal workers who might face sexual orientation discrimination and may increase pressure on Congress to advance the ENDA.

Abercrombie case: LGBT and evangelicals on the same side

It is a rare occasion when LGBT legal activists find themselves on the same side of a case as the conservative Christian Legal Society and the National Association of Evangelicals. It is also rare to find LGBT legal activists on

Ten stories that left a mark on 2014

2014 played second-fiddle to 2013's blockbuster year in LGBT news, but there were still some tremendous gains and losses worthy of a second look.

Speed Read: Supreme rejection

The Supreme Court refused to take review of an appeal from a photographer who violated non-discrimination laws by refusing a lesbian couple. Nebraska came close to passing a non-discrimination law that included sexual orientation and gender identity. Houston's lesbian mayor

Speed Read: Health alert in L.A.

LGBT RALLY FOR VETO: LGBT groups will hold a rally on the lawn of the State Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi, at noon CDT today, in protest over the passage of a religious bias bill by the state legislature Tuesday. The

Obama clears Feldblum for EEOC seat

Using a constitutional provision known as a “recess appointment,” President Obama on Saturday appointed lesbian law professor Chai Feldblum and three others to positions on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.