Tag Archives: Ted Olson
Prop 8 arguments roller coaster on standing and merits of marriage ban
The U.S. Supreme Court took the marriage equality issue on a roller coaster ride Tuesday as it heard almost 90 minutes of argument in the case testing the constitutionality of California’s ban on same-sex marriage.
Marriage cases preview, Part 4: Court day guide to the arguments
Part 4: Courtside guide. The avid reader’s guide to who and what to watch for at the Supreme Court on marriage argument days. The following is the last in a four-part series to prepare readers for what to expect March 26
Marriage cases preview, Part 2: The presidential punch
How strong a position did the Obama administration take in its briefs on the Supreme Court marriage cases—and can it make a difference? The following is the second in a four-part series to prepare readers for what to expect March
Marriage cases preview, Part 1: Standing in the way
It is hard to overstate the potential impact of the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court cases concerning marriage for same-sex couples. The primary questions posed by the two cases—Hollingsworth v. Perry involving Proposition 8 and U.S. v. Windsor involving the Defense
Unknowns loom as marriage arguments draw near at Supreme Court
One month away from the most historic and, perhaps, influential U.S. Supreme Court cases in LGBT history, a surprising number of facts are still unknown.
Court adds twist to announcement on Prop 8, DOMA cases
In a surprise development, the U.S. Supreme Court announced today that it will review both the Proposition 8 case concerning a statewide ban on same-sex marriage and a DOMA case concerning a ban on federal recognition of same-sex marriages.
Court puts off deciding whether to hear Prop 8 case
On its first official day of the 2012-13 session, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday did not include the Proposition 8 case on the list of cases it would or would not review.
Historic Supreme Court session starts Monday; DOMA, Prop 8, and NOM on potential agenda
Perhaps the most historic U.S. Supreme Court session ever for the LGBT community gets underway officially October 1, with a record nine gay-related cases seeking review, all involving same-sex marriage.
Ninth Circuit refuses full court review; Prop 8 headed to Supreme Court
A glimmer of politics showed through Tuesday (June 5) when the full 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals declined a request from supporters of California’s ban on same-sex marriage to review a circuit panel’s decision that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.
Prop 8 ruling: crafted to avoid Supreme Court review
Calling Proposition 8 “remarkably similar” to Colorado’s anti-gay Amendment 2 in 1992, a divided federal appeals court panel in San Francisco ruled Tuesday (February 7) that California’s same-sex marriage ban violates the federal constitution.