Tag Archives: Ted Kennedy

Kavanaugh: a ‘yank’ to the ‘extreme right’

The head of the LGBTQ Task Force said of Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh: "“There hasn’t been a nominee for the Supreme Court this extreme since Robert Bork.”

2010’s events predict more, and less, in 2011

If past is prologue, 2011 should turn out to be a fairly decent one for the LGBT community. It’s not that everything turned out so rosy for the community in 2010, but the gains registered more powerfully than the losses.

Big push building for DADT, ENDA votes

It is the end of April. Spring has sprung and all hell is breaking out in Washington, D.C. Not wishing to be left behind in this biennial political morass, LGBT activists have stepped up their pleas to be heard.

Dems lose critical 60th Senate seat in Mass.

It’s a double victory for Republicans: Republican Scott Brown has won the U.S. Senate seat from Massachusetts and taken away from the Democratic majority in Congress its critical 60th vote in the Senate.

US Senate race in Mass. too close for LGBT comfort

It may well be shaping up as nail-bitter. The race to fill the U. S. Senate seat held by the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy has tightened up considerably in the past few days.

The lion’s quiet roar

The late U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy was seen as one of Congress’ strongest supporters of civil rights for gays, yet in his autobiography, True Compass, he mentions almost no gay people and says almost nothing about civil rights for gays.

President signs hate crimes law

President Obama on October 28 announced his signing of the long-sought federal hate crimes prevention law.