Tag Archives: State of the Union

Obama calls for colleges to let recruiters in

Tuesday 10:15pm EDT edition - President Obama once again brought up the issue of gays in the military during his annual State of the Union address.

2010: The perfect alignment and the quiet costs

The suspense is over: The U.S. Senate finally took a vote on a bill to repeal the ban on openly gay people in the military and passed it, 65 to 31. Having Congress pass that bill, to repeal Don’t Ask

LGBT inclusions in immigration: posturing or real?

LGBT concerns were included this month in a new immigration reform bill introduced to Congress, but they were not part of President Obama’s words in support of that bill and some say the bill is just a mid-term election tool.

Gates, Mullen ready to repeal DADT, but GOP ready to fight

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen told a Senate committee they have appointed a high-level working group to report on how the military can adapt should Congress choose to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t

Gay reaction lukewarm to President’s call to repeal DADT

Gay leaders offered only a lukewarm reception Wednesday night for President Obama’s statement, in his State of the Union address, that he would work for the repeal of the military’s discriminatory policy against gays.