Tag Archives: Senate

Dems clinging to Senate, and stark contrast to GOP

The likelihood of Democrats retaining a majority of the U.S. Senate has diminished dramatically in recent days. But the news is worse than that for the LGBT community, which has had to depend on the Democratic Party to do any

Kagan debated in full Senate, vote Thursday

Senator Jon Kyl, a Republican from Arizona, said he would oppose Elena Kagan’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court because she has “a history of ignoring the law when it conflicts with the gay rights agenda.”

Feldblum sworn in to EEOC

Lesbian law professor Chai Feldblum was sworn in as one of five commissioners on the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC). President Obama nominated Feldblum in September and she was approved along with other EEOC nominees during a Senate committee vote

Amid increasing hostilities, health passes, ENDA is poised

The health care reform legislation President Obama signed into law this morning does not include any of the pro-gay provisions sought by the LGBT community. The provisions were not part of a companion bill also passed by the House Sunday

Rep. Frank: ENDA will get House vote this month

Legislation can be like a train: It runs on a track, makes certain stops along the way, and is often attached to other trains. But, in Congress, the train doesn’t run on time. Last October, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said the

DC marriage law in effect but trouble could lie ahead

A new law takes effect today in the nation’s capital, granting equal rights in marriage licensing for gay couples. Washington, D.C.’s marriage equality legislation becomes law in spite of a Herculean effort by opponents to block its implementation.

Feldblum confirmation on secret hold for now

At least one senator has put a secret hold on the confirmation of openly gay law professor Chai Feldblum and four others to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Gates, Mullen ready to repeal DADT, but GOP ready to fight

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen told a Senate committee they have appointed a high-level working group to report on how the military can adapt should Congress choose to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t

The state of the new landscape in the Senate doesn’t kill chances

Scott Brown's special election victory this month, taking the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, could have the power to derail passage of pro-gay civil rights legislation this year.

With NJ Senate rejection, fight turns to courts

Even before the votes were tallied Thursday in the New Jersey Senate on a marriage equality bill, advocates of the bill knew they would fall short. The marriage equality bill needed 21 votes to pass; it garnered only 14.