Tag Archives: Russia

Speed Read: Monday 7 October 2013

Russian security may be monitoring calls, emails, and internet communications for 'sensitive" words. Pennsylvania Governor tries to re-write marriage quote. Senate hopeful Cory Booker stands firm in support of marriage equality despite baiting. Victory Fund backs gay lieutenant governor candidate

Speed Read: Wednesday 2 October 2013

When will a judge decide whether to put a stay on New Jersey's October 21 marriage equality deadline? What does Lambda have to say about the behind-the-scenes relations on the two Virginia marriage lawsuits. When will the Supreme Court decide

The bottom line on Olympic sponsors

While there are a few people who would like to see a boycott of the winter Olympic Games in Russia next February, because of that nation’s newly passed laws hostile to LGBT people, most see that idea as an example

LGBT groups: Don’t “retreat” from Olympics, “speak up” in solidarity

At least five international LGBT groups say they oppose a boycott of the Winter Olympic Games in Russia over that country’s anti-gay laws. And President Obama ruled out a U.S. boycott of the Winter Olympics in Sochi next year, saying