Tag Archives: Republicans

Budget battle: LGBT and HIV programs escape the axe

There was a lot of talk during the final days of the federal budget negotiations that House Republican leaders were trying to insert policy amendments about "social issues" into the budget. And since the White House and Republicans struck a

FY 2012 budget: ‘Could have been worse’…and might be still

There was relatively little for the LGBT and HIV communities to complain about in the proposed Fiscal Year 2012 budget released by President Obama Monday. And given the president’s proposed five-year freeze in non-essential domestic spending, there were some sighs

2010’s events predict more, and less, in 2011

If past is prologue, 2011 should turn out to be a fairly decent one for the LGBT community. It’s not that everything turned out so rosy for the community in 2010, but the gains registered more powerfully than the losses.

GOP drop dead letter cripples DADT repeal

Republicans say they’re trying to create “an environment for private-sector job growth;” Rep. Barney Frank says they’re just trying to stop repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. The evidence for both is the same: A letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry

Coulter headlines new conservative group event

Just three days after the high-profile gay conservative fundraiser hosted by former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman and friends, there was another high-profile gay conservative fundraiser in New York City.

GOP “Pledge” honors only “traditional marriage”

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives revealed their “Pledge to America,” and it includes a pledge to “to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.” That reference

9th Circuit nominee grilled over Prop 8

The confirmation hearing Friday, April 16, for a well-known liberal nominee to a federal appeals court deteriorated quickly into a political battlefield. Republicans seemed intent on settling old scores.

Grilling of 9th circuit nominee delayed

The Senate Judiciary Committee was squaring up for a showdown this week over President Obama’s most controversial judicial nominee to date, but that showdown has been indefinitely delayed, while Republicans use a parliamentary delaying tactic on the companion bill to

Rep. Frank: ENDA will get House vote this month

Legislation can be like a train: It runs on a track, makes certain stops along the way, and is often attached to other trains. But, in Congress, the train doesn’t run on time. Last October, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said the