Tag Archives: Question 3

2018: Difficult losses, historic wins, constant chaos

2018 was a tough year for many, especially for the LGBT community, which lost a critical voice in the Supreme Court and had to fend off numerous attacks.

Still some cliffhangers, but much to celebrate at mid-terms

Results are still not settled for bisexual U.S. Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema or lesbian Michigan attorney general candidate Dana Nessel and a few others, but there were many solid victories for LGBT candidates Tuesday night.

LGBT races to watch during tonight’s mid-term election

There's a lot of suspense for the LGBT community around Tuesday's mid-term elections, including races for the U.S. Senate and House, four governor seats, and a first-ever statewide ballot measure on transgender protections.

Trans issue on the ballot in Massachusetts

It's been six years since an anti-LGBT ballot measure has ridden a state ballot. But there's one this year, in Massachusetts.