Tag Archives: primary

Speed Read: Win, loss, stunning upset

The Seventh Circuit has asked for briefs be submitted today on Wisconsin's request for an emergency stay of a federal district court ruling striking down the state's ban on same-sex couples marrying. The candidate who pulled off a stunning upset

Speed Read: Supreme Court says no

The U.S. Supreme Court denied the National Organization for Marriage's request to stay a federal court ruling in Oregon that allowed same-sex couples to marry. More church groups have joined the United Church of Christ's lawsuit in North Carolina. And

Speed Read: Zero not low enough

Idaho has asked the Ninth Circuit to let it skip the first round three-judge panel in its appeal regarding its state ban on same-sex couples marrying. GOProud says news of its shutting down is greatly exaggerated. GLAD sues the maker

Speed Read: 53% in work closet

A Human Rights Campaign study found that 53 percent of LGBT people hide their sexual orientation from almost everybody at work. Lesbian gubernatorial candidate Heather Mizeur held her own Wednesday night in the first Democratic primary debate for Maryland.

Speed Read: Mississippi bias

The Mississippi legislature passed a religious bias bill Tuesday which many think will be used to justify discrimination against gays and blacks. Gay federal court nominee has smooth sailing in confirmation hearing. Federal judge cancels trial for one of the

Gay GOPs still backing Romney

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum’s campaign appears to have begun to self-destruct from the candidate’s increasingly harsh rhetoric and statements on social issues.