Tag Archives: President Trump

Trump: ‘I have great respect for the community’

President Trump was asked Thursday whether he had betrayed the LGBT community by proposing a ban on transgender service members.

LGBT groups sue to stop transgender ban in military

Two national LGBT legal groups filed suit in federal court Wednesday, seeking an injunction to stop the Trump administration from implementing a ban on transgender service members. They also seek a declaration that such a ban is unconstitutional.

Trump said ready to name gay supporter to post

President Trump met with Republican gay politico Ric Grenell July 12 and is reportedly considering him for the post of U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Trump, so far: a ‘mixed bag’ of ‘no surprises’

President Trump has managed to worry both his right-wing religious supporters and the LGBT community in his first 100 days, as he gives with one hand and takes away with the other.

Trump guts important executive order

Lambda Legal calls "very disturbing" the news Monday that President Trump revoked an executive order that included important safeguards against discrimination against LGBT people by federal contractors.

Gorsuch on Supreme Court: ‘Does not keep status quo’

LGBT legal activists are united in their opposition to federal appeals judge Neil Gorsuch. Though he is reportedly accepting of gay friends, activists say he is "recklessly conservative" and that he will be "far worse" than Justice Scalia, the justice

LGBT activists: ‘grave concerns’ about Gorsuch

President Trump's Supreme Court nominee clerked for the high court's most pro-LGBT justice, Anthony Kennedy, but his own judicial leanings seem much more in line with the court's most hostile justices. LGBT activists and Democrats vow to fight the nomination.