Tag Archives: President Obama
Inaugural pastors now more moderate
The Presidential Inaugural Committee has invited a moderate Methodist minister to deliver the sermon and the inaugural’s National Prayer Service Tuesday, January 22. The Committee announced Friday (January 18) that it has invited Rev. Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of the United
Bills in Rhode Island and Illinois put states in race to become Number 10
The race to become the tenth state to provide marriage equality for same-sex couples is underway, with Rhode Island and Illinois running neck-and-neck. Marriage equality bills were launched in both states’ legislatures last week.
LGBT centers fear drastic impact if agreement not reached on ‘fiscal cliff’
Chances are, if you are even remotely plugged into the news, you’ve grown weary of hearing about the “fiscal cliff.” That’s the metaphor du jour for the sudden and dramatic cuts in federal spending and tax breaks set to occur
Obama victory bolsters LGBT issues, candidates
In the November 6 race with the greatest impact on the LGBT community, President Obama secured re-election Tuesday night, winning both the popular and electoral vote majorities.
Despite contrast, LGBT vote is likely to split 3 to 1 as usual
There are many key votes on the line next Tuesday: The first real prospect for electing an openly gay person to the U.S. Senate, the probability of winning a marriage equality vote in at least one of five states, and
Roberts leads decision to uphold health reform law
In a dramatic move with significant political and economic implications, a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday (June 28) voted to uphold President Obama’s landmark health care reform law.
Loud clash over same-sex marriage: Where personal and political meet
It has been a dizzying week for same-sex marriage. Consider this: The front cover of Newsweek magazine on Monday (May 14) carried a photograph of President Obama with the caption “The First Gay President.” The president appeared on a nationally televised
Obama: ‘I think same-sex couples should be able to marry’
President Obama said in a White House-arranged interview Wednesday afternoon that “same-sex couples should be able to get married.”
NC approves constitutional ban: 61 to 39
For those in the LGBT community who have watched state after state pass constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage, the results in North Carolina were expected: Voters approved the ban by a margin of roughly 61 percent to 39 percent,