Tag Archives: President Obama

Prop 8: An offspring of the Anita Bryant crusade?

Attorneys challenging the California ballot measure that banned same-sex marriage painted the “Yes on 8” campaign today as a modern day copycat of Anita Bryant’s late 1970s campaign to “Save the Children.”

Prop 8 trial: Probing judge and high court intervention

The trial to challenge Proposition 8 in federal court got underway Monday in San Francisco but the opening acts were upstaged in Washington, D.C.

Obama appoints first openly transgender people to posts

Amanda Simpson started work this week as one of the first transgender persons ever to receive a presidential appointment to an executive branch post in any administration. The honor as the first belongs to Dylan Orr, a 30-year-old law school

Best seats in the White House

At least four prominent gays were on the guest list for the Obama White House’s first State Dinner, with India, November 24. Hollywood producer David Geffen attended with his partner Jeremy Lingvall; Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg attended with his

Clinton: U.S. must “stand against” LGBT discrimination in fight against HIV

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said today the U.S. government must “stand against any efforts” to discriminate against the LGBT community worldwide.

Obama ends last vestige of HIV travel ban

President Obama announced that his administration will end the long-standing policy that banned immigration by people with HIV infection.

President signs hate crimes law

President Obama on October 28 announced his signing of the long-sought federal hate crimes prevention law.

Obama’s ambassadorial appointment takes count near 100

President Obama on October 7 issued a statement announcing the nomination of an openly gay man to serve as the nation’s ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa.