Tag Archives: President Obama
Obama: LGBT disappointment not justified
President Obama said Wednesday (October 27) that he doesn’t think the "disillusionment" that some in the LGBT community have for his administration thus far is "justified."
Obama on DADT repeal: Promise or prediction?
One word stuck out as tough, but basically Bridget Todd’s query to President Obama was delivered very respectfully: She told the president that she had voted for him based on his “alleged” commitment to equality for all Americans, gay and
LGBT inclusions in immigration: posturing or real?
LGBT concerns were included this month in a new immigration reform bill introduced to Congress, but they were not part of President Obama’s words in support of that bill and some say the bill is just a mid-term election tool.
New chief of staff: an ‘internal advocate’
President Obama announced that White House senior adviser Peter Rouse will take over immediately as his Chief of Staff, replacing Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel is leaving his post to launch a campaign to run for mayor of Chicago.
Obama: Orderly repeal of DADT protects gays
In the current issue of Rolling Stone magazine, President Obama says he’s “probably accomplished,” in the first two years of his administration, “70 percent of the things that we said we were going to do.” One of his accomplishments, he said,
Anger grows as DOJ fights DADT injunction
The U.S. Department of Justice urged a federal district court judge Thursday not to issue an order that would stop enforcement of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The request is yet another instance of the incongruity some LGBT activists
Hospital visitation regs: Lambda wants to close the loopholes
Equality in hospital visitation policies is not a controversial issue. That’s what seems apparent from the 427 comments received during the just ended public comment period on the proposed regulation to implement President Obama’s hospital visitation memorandum.