Tag Archives: poll

Speed Read: Continents of difference

Ugandan president ponders what to do with "abnormal" people. Russian president implores gays to "leave children" alone. U.S. president promises no collection of intelligence targets based on sexual orientation. And more...

Speed Read: ‘One stroke of his pen’

When President Obama promised to start using his authority to sign executive orders to get things done in Washington, NGLTF Executive Director Rea Carey reminded him that the LGBT community has been pleading for an executive order to ban discrimination

Speed Read: Thursday 31 October 2013

ENDA now has a pretty solid 60 votes in the Senate to overcome any filibuster attempt to block a vote. Equality Florida lobbied aggressively for Senator Bill Nelson to co-sponsor and now all Democrats are ready to back the bill.

Debate fallout: 47 percent say vote unchanged, but 35 percent wooed by Romney

A CNN poll of 430 people who watched the first presidential debate Wednesday night found that 47 percent said the debate would not likely affect their vote. But 35 percent said the debate made them more likely to vote for

Poll: few see big difference between Obama, Romney on marriage

A recent poll suggests that most Americans “trust” President Obama over Mitt Romney to “do a better job” at “dealing with social issues such as abortion and gay marriages,” but it's not a big difference.

Santorum makes last-hour gain in Iowa

The Iowa caucuses begin tonight, and the startling news for LGBT voters is the dramatic increase in support for the field’s most anti-gay candidate, Rick Santorum.

AP: marriage equality support continues

A new national poll demonstrates once again that a majority of Americans now favor giving legal recognition to marriages between same-sex partners.

‘Traditional values’ take a slip in the polls

"Traditional values" didn’t do too well in the latest CNN poll of American adults. For the first time in 18 years since the question has been asked, the percentage of adults thinking that the government should "promote traditional values" dropped

Gallup shows dramatic uptick in support for same-sex marriage

A survey by the respected Gallup poll organization reports a stunning jump in support for legal recognition of the marriages of same-sex couples.