Tag Archives: Paul Singer

Hostilities escalate as GOP approves anti-LGBT platform

Even Log Cabin Republicans expressed fury this week over the Republican Party platform's hostility to LGBT people. And the Human Rights Campaign said it is "prepared to go to extraordinary lengths to defeat” the Trump-Pence ticket.

Speed Read: Tuesday 22 October 2013

Activists are arriving in Springfield, Illinois, today, ready to push a special legislative session to give final passage to a marriage equality bill. A pro-gay Republican group has hired two former members of Congress to lobby for ENDA even though

Coulter headlines new conservative group event

Just three days after the high-profile gay conservative fundraiser hosted by former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman and friends, there was another high-profile gay conservative fundraiser in New York City.

Conservatives raise $1.2 million for Prop 8 litigation

The group sponsoring the legal challenge to California’s same-sex marriage ban announced Thursday that a recent fundraiser by conservative supporters in New York brought in more than $1.2 million for the effort.