Tag Archives: pat quinn
Senate changes hands and GOP wins governor’s office in three blue states
Republican candidates won enough U.S. Senate seats Tuesday night to take over the majority in both chambers of Congress, but in an even more stunning victory, Republicans took over the governor’s offices in three strongly Democratic states –Illinois, Maryland, and,
Speed Read: Wednesday 27 November 2013
A gay couple in Atlanta say they got though the "glitchy" healthcare.gov website and are saving more than $430 a month on a better health plan than they previously had. A federal appeals court said Oregon's ban on same-sex marriage
Speed Read: Thursday 7 November 2013
The Senate is expected to pass ENDA today at 1:45 EDT, but not before wrestling first with an amendment to dramatically expand who can be exempt from the law. Rancor continues in Hawaii as the House rejects attempts to delay
Bills in Rhode Island and Illinois put states in race to become Number 10
The race to become the tenth state to provide marriage equality for same-sex couples is underway, with Rhode Island and Illinois running neck-and-neck. Marriage equality bills were launched in both states’ legislatures last week.
Marriage battles ramping up; NH repeal bills introduced
Two New Hampshire legislators have introduced bills to repeal the state’s marriage equality law, even though Republican leaders said such a repeal is not a party priority in 2011. And several other states saw legislative moves toward or away from