Tag Archives: OPM
Trump admin launches “out-and-out attack” on LGBTQ community
The second Trump administration has issued several executive orders and directives to wipe out any mention of equal treatment or protection for LGBTQ people in public schools, the military, health care, and even government websites and emails.
Implementing the Supreme Court endgame: The stark difference between two presidents
The Obama administration’s reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court rulings striking down DOMA and Proposition 8 provides a stark contrast to that of the predecessor administration.
Highest-ranking gay leaves OPM post
The Obama administration’s highest ranking openly LGBT official has resigned his post, effective today (April 15). John Berry, director of the Office of Personnel Management, announced his resignation April 11 in an email to OPM employees, just days before his four-year
GOP abandons ‘transparency’ vow; blocks videotape of DOMA proceeding
Remember last year’s Pledge to America from the Republican Party? It promised three times to make government “more transparent.” Well, apparently, that pledge had a hidden expiration date.
DOJ comes out swinging against DOMA
The Department of Justice on July 1 recommended a federal appeals court in California dismiss a motion promoted by the House of Representatives to dismiss a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
Court loss with a silver lining
Efforts to secure equal benefits for a gay federal court employee in San Francisco suffered a setback Wednesday when a federal judge dismissed the employee’s lawsuit. But Lambda Legal Defense says the dismissal has a silver lining.
Federal Departments Mixed in Promotion of LGBT Rights
A panel of six LGBT activist leaders in April were asked to grade the Obama administration thus far on LGBT issues. Three panelists gave the administration a "D," two gave it a "B," and one a "C." Keen News Service
Fed partner benefits: The ‘pay-for’ hurdle
When President Obama issued a memorandum extending certain benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees, he noted there are still certain benefits he cannot extend under current law. But the legislation the president and many LGBT organizations are touting