Tag Archives: Olympics

Speed Read: Thursday 31 October 2013

ENDA now has a pretty solid 60 votes in the Senate to overcome any filibuster attempt to block a vote. Equality Florida lobbied aggressively for Senator Bill Nelson to co-sponsor and now all Democrats are ready to back the bill.

Speed Read: Tuesday 29 October 2013

More than 1,800 people turned out Monday to express their views on Hawaii's proposed marriage equality bill. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he'll bring ENDA to the floor soon. Russian activist proposes rainbows as a corporate protest. And more...

Speed Read: Thursday 10 October 2013

New Jersey Governor wants the people to decide the marriage issue, and polls show 62 percent are for marriage equality. Groups concerned about the anti-gay laws in Russia are promoting the idea of using a code word to protest and

Speed Read: Wednesday 9 October 2013

The International Olympic Committee's new president is side-stepping the giant gap in the IOC's non-discrimination policy. Senator Tammy Baldwin wins a gold medal of sorts in the Senate. Anti-gay activist Tony Perkins gets a boost for a threatened Congressional bid.

Speed Read: Monday 7 October 2013

Russian security may be monitoring calls, emails, and internet communications for 'sensitive" words. Pennsylvania Governor tries to re-write marriage quote. Senate hopeful Cory Booker stands firm in support of marriage equality despite baiting. Victory Fund backs gay lieutenant governor candidate

Speed Read: Wednesday 2 October 2013

When will a judge decide whether to put a stay on New Jersey's October 21 marriage equality deadline? What does Lambda have to say about the behind-the-scenes relations on the two Virginia marriage lawsuits. When will the Supreme Court decide

The bottom line on Olympic sponsors

While there are a few people who would like to see a boycott of the winter Olympic Games in Russia next February, because of that nation’s newly passed laws hostile to LGBT people, most see that idea as an example

LGBT groups: Don’t “retreat” from Olympics, “speak up” in solidarity

At least five international LGBT groups say they oppose a boycott of the Winter Olympic Games in Russia over that country’s anti-gay laws. And President Obama ruled out a U.S. boycott of the Winter Olympics in Sochi next year, saying

Obama cancels one-on-one with Putin over various issues, including “human rights and civil society”

President Obama said Tuesday (August 6) that countries that participate in the Olympics “wouldn’t tolerate gays and lesbians being treated differently” during the 2014 Olympics in Russia.