Tag Archives: National Center for Lesbian Rights
Two-prong hit at ‘reparative therapy’
In a two-pronged attack against reparative therapy, U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco) announced Wednesday, Nov. 28, the introduction of a resolution aimed at stopping its use on young gay people, and the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a lawsuit
Ads loom over Anchorage vote Tuesday
A political ad on the airwaves in Anchorage, Alaska, claims that a day care center would be forced to hire a “transvestite who wants to work with toddlers” if the city approves an amendment to its human rights law to
California court says Prop 8 proponents have standing in fed court
In what amounts to a bump in the road for opponents of Proposition 8, a unanimous California Supreme Court told a federal appeals court November 17 that California law “authorizes” the proponents of the initiative to defend it in federal
New guidelines for same-sex parenting and custody
Many contentious lawsuits involving the rights of LGBT people have occurred when a biological parent uses anti-LGBT laws to try and deny a child’s non-biological parent custody or visitation. Several LGBT organizations have published a revised set of standards aimed
A new era of litigation: The complications of defining spouse
A lesbian's surviving spouse is fighting her parents in two different courts. In probate court in Illinois, they are fighting over her will. In a federal court in Pennsylvania, they are trying to influence a judge's determination of who should
Yes on 8: Gay judge’s ruling shouldn’t count
Proponents of Proposition 8 filed a motion Monday, April 25, in federal district court, seeking to vacate the August 2010 ruling by Judge Vaughn Walker that the initiative is unconstitutional, citing Walker’s recent disclosure that he is gay.
New ad campaign promotes equal access to housing for LGBTs
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that it is launching a national media campaign to promote equal access to housing regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity, among other characteristics.
9th Circuit punts key Prop 8 question to California Supreme Court
A 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel surprised many Proposition 8 observers Tuesday when it suddenly issued five documents relating to the case. But there was no decision Tuesday in Perry v. Schwarzenegger.
Prop 8 arguments: Feisty questions on standing and merits for both sides
SAN FRANCISCO -- Famed attorney Ted Olson told a 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel Monday that the reason proponents of Proposition 8 have proffered to justify their ban on same-sex marriage is "nonsense."