Tag Archives: Nancy Pelosi

Compromise DADT repeal poised for votes now in Congress

A measure to repeal the 16-year-old federal law excluding openly gay people from the military started up the Congressional ladder this week—with a reluctant nod from the White House and a controversial rewrite.

Keen News Service Podcast, 5/23/2010


Pelosi: DADT and ENDA votes this year

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reassured representatives of several LGBT organizations this week that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and a measure to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) will get votes this year.

Keen News Service Podcast, 4/30/2010


Big push building for DADT, ENDA votes

It is the end of April. Spring has sprung and all hell is breaking out in Washington, D.C. Not wishing to be left behind in this biennial political morass, LGBT activists have stepped up their pleas to be heard.

No gay provisions in health care

Rep. Tammy Baldwin acknowledged that the pro-gay provisions she sought in the health care reform legislation have not survived. But Baldwin also said that she has counted the votes in the House on two major pro-gay pieces of legislation and

Rep. Frank: ENDA will get House vote this month

Legislation can be like a train: It runs on a track, makes certain stops along the way, and is often attached to other trains. But, in Congress, the train doesn’t run on time. Last October, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said the

Defense profers a harm: gay male non-monogamy

Attorneys defending Proposition 8 in a federal district court tipped their hand Wednesday on how they will try to show that allowing same-sex couples to marry might harm the institution of marriage.

Frank says LGBT still have chance in health reform bill

News on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning suggested there was little hope for keeping pro-LGBT provisions in the health care reform legislation Congress hopes to pass. But Rep. Barney Frank says he’s still “somewhat optimistic.”