Tag Archives: Mary Bonauto

Supreme Court refuses 7 marriage appeals; 5 to 11 more states will have freedom; tally could hit 30

In a surprise development, the U.S. Supreme Court today announced it would not accept for review any of the seven appeals on same-sex marriage bans from five states. The action means that the stays placed on lower court decisions in

Speed Read: Zero not low enough

Idaho has asked the Ninth Circuit to let it skip the first round three-judge panel in its appeal regarding its state ban on same-sex couples marrying. GOProud says news of its shutting down is greatly exaggerated. GLAD sues the maker

Speed Read: Rewriting Windsor

Two openly gay nominees to the federal bench are pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. One, Darrin Gayles, has his confirmation hearing today. The other, Staci Yandle, had to respond to additional questions from one Republican concerning the

DOJ says U.S. will recognize Utah marriages

LGBT legal activists applauded an announcement by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Friday that the federal government will recognize marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples in Utah despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court put a stay on enforcement

10th Anniversary: The pivotal decision that ‘marks a change’ in a movement toward marriage equality

It was not the start of the marriage equality movement, but it has proven to be its watershed moment: November 18. And this year marks the 10th anniversary of the landmark marriage equality decision from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

Speed Read: Monday 28 October 2013

The Hawaii legislature's special session starts today with a hearing on a marriage equality bill which the senate is expected to pass Wednesday. GLAD legal director Gary Buseck warns against LGBT complacency. Author of landmark marriage decision lavishes praise on

Speed Read: Friday 4 October 2013

Vice President Biden has backed out of the HRC dinner Saturday night; head of one of the nation's largest sportswear companies backs marriage equality; New York Times documentary dissects Quinn's mayoral primary loss; lesbian PAC is raising funds for

Implementing the Supreme Court endgame: The stark difference between two presidents

The Obama administration’s reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court rulings striking down DOMA and Proposition 8 provides a stark contrast to that of the predecessor administration.

Prop 8 arguments roller coaster on standing and merits of marriage ban

The U.S. Supreme Court took the marriage equality issue on a roller coaster ride Tuesday as it heard almost 90 minutes of argument in the case testing the constitutionality of California’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Marriage cases preview, Part 2: The presidential punch

How strong a position did the Obama administration take in its briefs on the Supreme Court marriage cases—and can it make a difference? The following is the second in a four-part series to prepare readers for what to expect March