Tag Archives: Louisiana

Lambda takes family case to the U.S. Supreme Court

Lambda Legal Defense is taking its fight for same-sex families to the U.S. Supreme Court. The case, Adar v. Darlene Smith, involves a gay male couple--Oren Adar and Mickey Ray Smith--who sought an amended birth certificate for the boy they

5th Circuit upholds Louisiana’s denial to gay dads

In a case that calls into question the responsibility of states to recognize adoptions granted in other states, a federal circuit court said Louisiana does not have to put the names of two gay fathers on the birth certificate of

Federal Court Hears Case on Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Adoption

A federal circuit court heard arguments January 19 in a case that asks whether states must recognize adoptions by same-sex parents from other states--and the outcome could have "frightening" implications for the rights of adoptive parents.

Full faith and credit helps gay parents overcome ban

The battle over equal rights to marriage has dominated much of the news concerning the LGBT civil rights movement for the past 17 years, but there have been gains recently in the battle over gay family rights in general.

Gay reaction lukewarm to President’s call to repeal DADT

Gay leaders offered only a lukewarm reception Wednesday night for President Obama’s statement, in his State of the Union address, that he would work for the repeal of the military’s discriminatory policy against gays.