Tag Archives: Log Cabin Republicans
Anger grows as DOJ fights DADT injunction
The U.S. Department of Justice urged a federal district court judge Thursday not to issue an order that would stop enforcement of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The request is yet another instance of the incongruity some LGBT activists
GOP “Pledge” honors only “traditional marriage”
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives revealed their “Pledge to America,” and it includes a pledge to “to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.” That reference
Another DADT trial, but a different DOJ tack
The story of Air Force Reserve Major Margaret Witt has some drama to it and that drama may well be trotted out this week as a U.S. District Court judge hears the lawsuit challenging her discharge under “Don’t Ask, Don’t
DADT unconstitutional, says federal judge
A U.S. District Court judge in California Thursday declared the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy unconstitutional, saying it violates both the First and Fifth Amendments.
Former RNC chair comes out
Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman acknowledged publicly this week that he is gay. Mehlman was a close colleague of President George W. Bush’s political architect Karl Rove.
DADT trial opens to little notice
While most people who are concerned about eliminating the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law are focused on a bill in Congress and a survey by the Pentagon, there is important action elsewhere—in a federal district court in Riverside, California.
Prop 8 trial: weak allies and powerful enemies
President Obama’s name keeps coming up a lot during the trial challenging the constitutionality of California’s same-sex marriage ban.
Health reform: Gay provisions likely to be lost in conference
It’s still a little bit of a guessing game as to whether the U.S. Senate will pass a health care reform bill this month or next or never, but if and when it does, there’s little likelihood any pro-gay provisions