Tag Archives: Log Cabin Republicans

9th Circuit gives DOJ 10 days to step aside on DADT

The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals issued yet another order this month, this time giving the federal government 10 days to "show cause" why the court should not dismiss as moot an appeal seeking to defend "Don’t Ask, Don’t

9th Circuit orders end to DADT enforcement

A 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel on Wednesday issued an order that the Defense Department stop enforcing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and the Pentagon quickly announced that it will comply.

FY 2012 budget: ‘Could have been worse’…and might be still

There was relatively little for the LGBT and HIV communities to complain about in the proposed Fiscal Year 2012 budget released by President Obama Monday. And given the president’s proposed five-year freeze in non-essential domestic spending, there were some sighs

Reaction mixed to Pentagon status report; 9th Circuit case to proceed

Reaction has been mixed to the Pentagon’s status report Friday, January 28, saying training to prepare for implementation of the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell could begin as early as next month.

President signs historic bill to repeal DADT

Following a dramatic and eloquent speech, President Obama Wednesday morning signed the legislation that will launch the repeal of a 17-year-old law that prohibits openly gay people from serving in the military.

GOP drop dead letter cripples DADT repeal

Republicans say they’re trying to create “an environment for private-sector job growth;” Rep. Barney Frank says they’re just trying to stop repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. The evidence for both is the same: A letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry

DOJ files second DADT legal appeal to 9th Circuit

The U.S. Department of Justice sent notice to a federal district court in Tacoma, Washington, that it will appeal the court’s ruling that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell violates the federal constitution.

High court denies to break DADT stay

In a move that did not catch anyone by surprise, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday denied a request from attorneys for Log Cabin Republicans to vacate an order that enabled the military to continue enforcing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Prospects for DADT repeal turn on Dec. 1 report

Four days after President Obama said there will be enough time, "potentially," to repeal "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" during the lame-duck Congress, Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters that he is "not sure" what the prospects are for repealing it

9th Circuit: DADT stay continues

The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Monday granted the government’s request to permanently delay enforcement of a lower court order to stop enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT).