Tag Archives: Lambda Legal

President directs HHS to crack down on hospitals barring LGBT partners

President Obama issued a surprise memorandum Thursday night, April 15, calling for an end to discrimination against LGBT people by hospital visitation policies that limit visitors to immediate family members.

Stevens: a Republican who grew liberal with the times

Some court observers credit U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens with having forged a majority of the court to overturn laws banning private sexual relations between persons of the same sex—the most beneficial gay-related decision ever rendered by the

Back at high court: Religion versus anti-bias laws

When Concerned Women of America, the Boy Scouts, and Evangelical Scholars line up on one side of a legal case, one might naturally assume that gay groups are lined up on the other side. Christian Legal Society v. Martinez is not

Supreme Court’s second move alarms gay legal activists

In its second surprise move in a week, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday announced it would review another narrow dispute involving anti-gay activists’ alleged fear of harassment over their public opposition to legal recognition for same-sex relationships.

With NJ Senate rejection, fight turns to courts

Even before the votes were tallied Thursday in the New Jersey Senate on a marriage equality bill, advocates of the bill knew they would fall short. The marriage equality bill needed 21 votes to pass; it garnered only 14.