Tag Archives: Lambda Legal
Federal Court Hears Case on Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Adoption
A federal circuit court heard arguments January 19 in a case that asks whether states must recognize adoptions by same-sex parents from other states--and the outcome could have "frightening" implications for the rights of adoptive parents.
Prop 8 arguments: Feisty questions on standing and merits for both sides
SAN FRANCISCO -- Famed attorney Ted Olson told a 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel Monday that the reason proponents of Proposition 8 have proffered to justify their ban on same-sex marriage is "nonsense."
Miller-Jenkins custody battle continues
For the fifth time, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a petition from ex-lesbian Lisa Miller who has been fighting a Vermont Supreme Court order that she share custody with her ex-civil union partner of a child they had together.
Two more DOMA court challenges filed; five cases now pending
Two civil rights law firms on Tuesday announced the filing of two major lawsuits aimed at taking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Kagan: ‘vigorously defended’ DADT
Never before in the history of Supreme Court confirmation hearings have gay issues played such a prominent role.
Kagan acknowledges she’s “generally progressive”
One message Republicans tried to hammer away at this week, in an effort to derail Elena Kagan’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, must have struck many LGBT viewers of her confirmation hearing as deeply ironic.
Another Supreme Court victory, amidst ideological hostilities
For the second time in a week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion that delivered a small, indirect, and perhaps unfinished victory to policies that have benefited the LGBT community.
Reserved ovation for Kagan nomination to high court
Gay legal activists are applauding President Obama’s second nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court: Solicitor General Elena Kagan. But it could hardly be described as a standing ovation.
High court seems uncertain about beliefs v. bias conflict
By the time a lawsuit reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, the facts of the conflict are rarely in dispute. But Monday’s oral argument at the Supreme Court revealed a great deal of confusion over those very basic facts of the