Tag Archives: Lambda Legal
Problems linger over religious exemptions to flagship civil rights legislation
This is a bad year gone worse for ENDA – the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Even though it might pass the Democratic-controlled Senate, the bill will have no realistic chance of passing the Republican-controlled House. Now, on the same day ENDA
April Fool’s post: Wishes were ever fools
Anyone who checked for the Supreme Court orders list before 10 a.m. Monday morning knew instantly it was a prank. But a few followers appeared to believe it, at least momentarily and some didn’t seem to think it was
Surprises embedded in Second Circuit ruling; may improve prospects at Supreme Court
The ruling by a Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel was not a big surprise. But the panel’s related ruling—that laws should be held to a heightened standard of review when they treat people differently because of their sexual
Historic Supreme Court session starts Monday; DOMA, Prop 8, and NOM on potential agenda
Perhaps the most historic U.S. Supreme Court session ever for the LGBT community gets underway officially October 1, with a record nine gay-related cases seeking review, all involving same-sex marriage.
Roberts leads decision to uphold health reform law
In a dramatic move with significant political and economic implications, a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday (June 28) voted to uphold President Obama’s landmark health care reform law.
Lawsuits seek marriage rights in Illinois
Lambda Legal Defense and the ACLU filed separate lawsuits Wednesday (May 30), seeking the right to marry for same-sex couples in Illinois.
Golinski gains benefits; appeal continues
Lesbian attorney Karen Golinski can now get health coverage for her spouse, but no other federal employee can so Lambda Legal’s lawsuit challenging the Defense of Marriage Act in the Ninth Circuit continues.
Chief Justice: Why should all pay for what only some need?
Tuesday’s landmark oral argument in a case testing the constitutionality of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act had some very interesting moments—such as when the chief justice seemed to support the notion that if a person doesn’t have kids he or
Federal judge: DOMA unconstitutional
A federal district court judge in San Francisco ruled Tuesday (February 22) that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violates the rights of gays and lesbians to equal protection of the law.