Tag Archives: Kyrsten Sinema

Speed Read: Supreme Court appeal

The Maine supreme court ruled a public school can't bar a trans girl from the girls' bathroom. Liberty Counsel says it will head to the U.S. Supreme Court to fight ban on ex-gay therapy. Two of eight openly LGBT members

Speed Read: Tuesday 24 December 2013

Equality Maryland snubbed openly gay gubernatorial candidate Heather Mizeur. A federal judge in Virginia refused to dismiss a lawsuit against that state's ban on same-sex marriages. And more victories in Utah and Ohio...

Speed Read: Tuesday 19 November 2013

Indiana statehouse leaders say they'll press forward with a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex couples from having either marriages or civil unions. A federal judge in Pennsylvania refuses to dismiss a marriage equality lawsuit in that state. And LGBT Congressional

Speed Read: LGBT Congressional Caucus

Here's a quick look at what the seven openly LGBT members of the U.S. House and one openly lesbian member of the U.S. Senate have been focused on lately.

Speed Read: Friday 8 November 2013

ENDA passed the Senate yesterday for the first time in its 19-year history. The Hawaii House, which convenes today at 3 p.m. EDT, is slated to give final passage to a marriage equality bill there today. A state judge in

Speed Read: Monday 21 October 2013

With New Jersey allowing marriages for same-sex couples starting today, one-third of the nation's population lives in a marriage equality state. Lambda Legal, which led the legal challenge in New Jersey, filed briefs with the federal appeals court over another

Speed Read: Wednesday 16 October 2013

Clerks in 10 Michigan counties are ready to start issuing marriage licenses this week if a federal judge rules today that the state's ban on same-sex couples marrying is unconstitutional. Three of six openly LGBT members of the U.S. House

House LGBT caucus shows division during budget battles

As Congress continues to wrestle with a bitter partisan divide that has crippled its ability to set a budget, keep the federal government open, and enable the nation to pay its bills, a few openly LGBT members of the U.S.

LGBT candidates score long list of firsts

A first-ever openly gay person elected U.S. Senator, the largest ever number of openly LGBT people elected to Congress, two new speakers at state houses, the first-ever openly transgender person elected to a state legislature, and the first openly LGBT