Tag Archives: Jon Davidson

Speed Read: Tuesday 15 October 2013

Federal judge may rule tomorrow on whether Michigan must start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Supreme Court hears case today that could affect future ballot challenges to state bans on marriage equality. New Jersey Senate candidate fires top aide

Speed Read: Wednesday 2 October 2013

When will a judge decide whether to put a stay on New Jersey's October 21 marriage equality deadline? What does Lambda have to say about the behind-the-scenes relations on the two Virginia marriage lawsuits. When will the Supreme Court decide

Interpreting DOMA ruling: Under Obama, the ruling is achieving maximum impact

The impact of the June 26 U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down the core provision of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) continues to roll out, both within the Obama administration and in court.

Post-DOMA: Litigation abounds to secure details and free states that still have bans, including in the south

“The lay of the land is getting a bit complicated,” says James Esseks, director of the ACLU’s National LGBT and AIDS Project. Esseks, who was one of the attorneys involved in pressing the case of Edith Windsor –the case which

Ginsburg on Roe: Is it a signal she’d curb a decision on marriage?

The LGBT community sees U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a likely vote for equal protection in the two pending major cases involving marriage for same-sex couples. But various mainstream media outlets recently jostled that confidence by noting that

April Fool’s post: Wishes were ever fools

Anyone who checked for the Supreme Court orders list before 10 a.m. Monday morning knew instantly it was a prank. But a few followers appeared to believe it, at least momentarily and some didn’t seem to think it was

Prop 8 arguments roller coaster on standing and merits of marriage ban

The U.S. Supreme Court took the marriage equality issue on a roller coaster ride Tuesday as it heard almost 90 minutes of argument in the case testing the constitutionality of California’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Marriage cases preview, Part 1: Standing in the way

It is hard to overstate the potential impact of the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court cases concerning marriage for same-sex couples. The primary questions posed by the two cases—Hollingsworth v. Perry involving Proposition 8 and U.S. v. Windsor involving the Defense

Supreme Court cases: Speculations swirl in media and behind-the-scenes

Court watchers and the mainstream media are having a field day with what the U.S. Supreme Court did and did not say about same-sex marriage cases during the past week–both raising and lowering expectations for a blockbuster LGBT legal victory

Surprises embedded in Second Circuit ruling; may improve prospects at Supreme Court

The ruling by a Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel was not a big surprise. But the panel’s related ruling—that laws should be held to a heightened standard of review when they treat people differently because of their sexual