Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Speed Read: Michigan trial begins today

MICHIGAN TRIAL STARTS TODAY: A federal judge in Detroit will begin hearing testimony today in a lesbian couple’s challenge to the state law banning same-sex couples from marrying. The case, DeBoer v. Michigan, started out as a lawsuit to challenge

Speed Read: Friday 4 October 2013

Vice President Biden has backed out of the HRC dinner Saturday night; head of one of the nation's largest sportswear companies backs marriage equality; New York Times documentary dissects Quinn's mayoral primary loss; lesbian PAC is raising funds for

Biden: Pressuring Obama, or paving the way?

Responding earnestly to a question, Vice President Joe Biden has hoisted personal and legal support for same-sex marriages back into the presidential campaign.

13 races to worry about Nov. 2

For hard-core political junkies in the LGBT community, there’s a lot to worry about in the November 2 voting—and not just because there’s the possibility of Republicans taking over the U.S. House and Senate. A number of races around the

Anger grows as DOJ fights DADT injunction

The U.S. Department of Justice urged a federal district court judge Thursday not to issue an order that would stop enforcement of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The request is yet another instance of the incongruity some LGBT activists

Vote against filibuster fails; no DADT repeal today

The Senate rejected a motion to break a Republican-led filibuster against an annual defense spending bill that includes language aimed at ending the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law banning gays. The vote was 56 to 43.

Reid: Vote to break DADT filibuster Tuesday afternoon

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday filed a motion for cloture on the defense authorization bill, meaning that the first showdown vote affecting the language to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) will take place on Tuesday afternoon.

Biden: “I think we’ll get 55 votes to repeal”

Vice President Joe Biden said Democrats in the Senate have the votes not only to pass the measure to repeal "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" but also to thwart any attempt by Republicans to defeat the measure through some other tactic.

White House hosts Pride event

It was not exactly the same rousing, sustained cheer of last year that greeted President Obama as he entered the East Room Tuesday evening for a reception in honor of LGBT Pride month. There was an awkward quiet as he