Tag Archives: Jenny Pizer

Supreme Court: First Amendment issues in the spotlight

The Trump administration defended its efforts to bolster religious belief exemptions and curtail other First Amendment considerations in two cases before the Supreme Court this week.

Supreme preview: “Stakes could not be higher”

Many U.S. Supreme Court observers expect the trio of Title VII cases to be argued October 8 will be the most watched cases of the court's 2019-20 term. All believe the outcome will have enormous consequences.

Arizona decision: narrow but ‘dangerous’

The Arizona Supreme Court this week allowed a business that produces wedding invitations to refuse creating them for same-sex couples by citing their religious beliefs. LGBT legal activists said the ruling was a very narrow but potentially dangerous in the

Kennedy statement seems to drive religious refusal cases

The U.S. Supreme Court passed on its latest opportunity to decide whether a business can claim a religious exemption from a state law prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations, but such a case seems inevitable.

Kavanaugh confirmation likely to prompt shift to state courts

LGBT legal activists think the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court will likely mean a shift of strategy, focusing more on state courts than federal ones. But anti-LGBT legal activists will probably seek to escalate their

Kavanaugh: a ‘yank’ to the ‘extreme right’

The head of the LGBTQ Task Force said of Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh: "“There hasn’t been a nominee for the Supreme Court this extreme since Robert Bork.”

Kennedy: ‘He got Roberts, Alito, and Gorsuch’

The outcome of the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado case has ushered in a new level of unpredictability to Supreme Court decision-making when it involves LGBT people. But sometimes, the unpredicted result sounds very promising.

Title VII: Where the meaning of “sex” matters

In six states, Title VII can be used to protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation. Soon, that number might go up ... or down.

Federal appeals panel rules Title VII protects transgender

A federal appeals panel in Detroit this month ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act --which prohibits discrimination based on sex in employment-- also prohibits discrimination based on transgender status.

Supreme Court stays out of Mississippi fight, for now

LGBT activists say the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to take up a procedural issue in lawsuits challenging a virulently anti-LGBT law in Mississippi doesn't end the litigation. And it's significance to an upcoming decision in a similar Colorado case is