Tag Archives: Human Rights Campaign

President signs historic executive order

President Obama this morning (July 21) signed a long-sought executive order prohibiting contractors who do business with the federal government from discriminating based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and adding to existing protection (which includes sexual orientation) for federal

Speed Read: All eyes on Supreme Court

Seven major LGBT groups have withdrawn their support for ENDA, amidst a raging debate over whether the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision is good or bad for the community and whether the LGBT community should accept a religious exemption to

Speed Read: Mizeur strong but third

Lesbian House Delegate Heather Mizeur came in one point behind the state attorney general in her third place showing in the Maryland Democratic gubernatorial primary. A judge orders U.S. to pay National Organization for Marriage $50,000 over IRS snafu.

Speed Read: Senate votes today

President Obama is preparing to sign the long-sought executive order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors. The Senate will vote today on two openly gay nominees to the federal bench.

Obama prepares to sign executive order on federal contractors

In a sudden but not necessarily unexpected gesture, the White House indicated today that President Obama has “directed his staff” to prepare an executive order to prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or

Speed Read: ENDA ‘falls short’

The Tenth Circuit yesterday delayed for at least a week a federal judge's order that Utah grant state benefits to same-sex couples who married before the U.S. Supreme Court stayed another judge's ruling striking the state ban on same-sex couples

Judge dismisses most of NOM lawsuit against IRS over disclosure to HRC

A federal district court judge on June 3 dismissed most of a lawsuit by the National Organization for Marriage that claimed an employee of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service deliberately leaked a confidential tax document from NOM to the Human

Houston: Celebrating new law and bracing for the next battle

In a battle she characterized as “very personal” and “about me,” Annise Parker, the openly gay mayor of the fourth most populous city in the United States, won a victory last Thursday. She convinced the Houston City Council to establish

Speed Read: Zero not low enough

Idaho has asked the Ninth Circuit to let it skip the first round three-judge panel in its appeal regarding its state ban on same-sex couples marrying. GOProud says news of its shutting down is greatly exaggerated. GLAD sues the maker

Speed Read: Houston vote today

The Houston City Council votes today on whether to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Maine's commission on campaign ethics votes today on whether to penalize the National Organization for Marriage for failure to comply with the