Tag Archives: Human Rights Campaign

Hearing on gay EEOC nominee strangely quiet

There were expectations that Republicans would challenge openly gay EEOC nominee Chai Feldblum. But nothing came from Republicans.

House health bill fights bias

While conservatives riveted their attention to passing an amendment to ban the use of federal health care funds on abortion, the U.S. House passed a health care reform bill November 7 that includes a number of provisions of benefit specifically

Obama ends last vestige of HIV travel ban

President Obama announced that his administration will end the long-standing policy that banned immigration by people with HIV infection.

President signs hate crimes law

President Obama on October 28 announced his signing of the long-sought federal hate crimes prevention law.

Sotomayor grilled on marriage

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor was grilled twice on how she might rule should a same-sex marriage case comes before her on the high court.