Tag Archives: hrc

The Fair Housing rush: Three bills now pending

Three U.S. representatives have introduced separate bills in the past week designed to protect LGBT people from discrimination in housing. The flurry of interest comes when more popular LGBT bills are still awaiting critical votes and during an election year

Amid increasing hostilities, health passes, ENDA is poised

The health care reform legislation President Obama signed into law this morning does not include any of the pro-gay provisions sought by the LGBT community. The provisions were not part of a companion bill also passed by the House Sunday

DC marriage law in effect but trouble could lie ahead

A new law takes effect today in the nation’s capital, granting equal rights in marriage licensing for gay couples. Washington, D.C.’s marriage equality legislation becomes law in spite of a Herculean effort by opponents to block its implementation.

Frank says LGBT still have chance in health reform bill

News on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning suggested there was little hope for keeping pro-LGBT provisions in the health care reform legislation Congress hopes to pass. But Rep. Barney Frank says he’s still “somewhat optimistic.”

Health reform: Gay provisions likely to be lost in conference

It’s still a little bit of a guessing game as to whether the U.S. Senate will pass a health care reform bill this month or next or never, but if and when it does, there’s little likelihood any pro-gay provisions

D.C. marriage bill heads for Congress

Though it was long-expected, the D.C. Council’s vote Tuesday to give final approval to a marriage equality law for Washington, D.C., came as a large relief to many LGBT civil rights supporters. The 11 to 2 vote came on the heels

D.C. Council gives first nod to marriage equality bill

The City Council of Washington, D.C. voted 11 to 2 to support a bill to provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples the same as it provides to straight couples.

House health bill fights bias

While conservatives riveted their attention to passing an amendment to ban the use of federal health care funds on abortion, the U.S. House passed a health care reform bill November 7 that includes a number of provisions of benefit specifically

President signs hate crimes law

President Obama on October 28 announced his signing of the long-sought federal hate crimes prevention law.

Sotomayor grilled on marriage

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor was grilled twice on how she might rule should a same-sex marriage case comes before her on the high court.