Tag Archives: hrc

Field of zeros and shattered hopes

For two years, Democrats held the White House and the majority in both chambers of Congress. The window of opportunity for eliminating federal laws that treated the LGBT community as second-class citizens was open. The window of opportunity for passing

White House opposes stripping out DADT repeal

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer issued a statement Monday night saying, "The White House opposes any effort to strip 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' from the National Defense Authorization Act."

No initiatives, but marriage still an issue

There are no anti-gay initiatives or referenda on any statewide ballots November 2, but that doesn’t mean that same-sex marriages is no longer a political hot potato. Quite the contrary.

Dems clinging to Senate, and stark contrast to GOP

The likelihood of Democrats retaining a majority of the U.S. Senate has diminished dramatically in recent days. But the news is worse than that for the LGBT community, which has had to depend on the Democratic Party to do any

House mid-terms: A sinking feeling

The mid-term election for Democrats is beginning to sound like the Titanic. The gigantic wonder that set sail in January 2009 is now sinking, the passengers are in a state of panic, and the rich corporations have taken all the

With House in question, is Frank ‘running scared’?

The first in a three-part series on the mid-term elections It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the angst surrounding next month’s Congressional elections. The 24/7 media are hyping a Republican takeover of the House and maybe the Senate. A switch in

New chief of staff: an ‘internal advocate’

President Obama announced that White House senior adviser Peter Rouse will take over immediately as his Chief of Staff, replacing Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel is leaving his post to launch a campaign to run for mayor of Chicago.

NOM sues for protection from campaign disclosure laws

Imagine Ted Olson, the champion against a California law banning same-sex marriage, teaming up with attorneys who want to enable unlimited amounts of money to be spent to promote bans on same-sex marriage.

GOP “Pledge” honors only “traditional marriage”

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives revealed their “Pledge to America,” and it includes a pledge to “to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.” That reference

Marriage equality opponents vow rematch over public disclosure case

In a ruling hailed by gay activists, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a law that requires public disclosure of the names of people who signed a petition to put an anti-gay referendum on the ballot in Washington State. But litigation