Tag Archives: hrc

Trump admin launches “out-and-out attack” on LGBTQ community

The second Trump administration has issued several executive orders and directives to wipe out any mention of equal treatment or protection for LGBTQ people in public schools, the military, health care, and even government websites and emails.

Dems jockey for support at pre-debate Pride events

Two Democratic presidential candidates unveiled LGBT plans this month, but President Trump's message of pride celebration fell flat.

New HHS final rule: a wolf in sheep’s clothing

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted the Trump administration’s new rule allowing religious bias in health care as an “open license” to discriminate against LGBT people.

Trump tries to rush courts on trans ban

The Trump administration as asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene early in litigation over his proposed ban on transgender people in the military.

Trans issue on the ballot in Massachusetts

It's been six years since an anti-LGBT ballot measure has ridden a state ballot. But there's one this year, in Massachusetts.

DOJ steps up its “religious liberty” agenda

LGBT groups say the Department of Justices latest moves to "protect religious liberty" look more like an escalation of the administration's campaign against equal rights for LGBT people.

State of the Union: Many feel ‘under attack’

President Trump did not attempt to assert any support for LGBT citizens during his first State of the Union address Tuesday night, and LGBT leaders vowed to continue fighting a "long game" for civil rights during the Trump administration.

Word ban, comment blackout seen as ‘disturbing pattern’

HRC and others see a 'disturbing' anti-LGBT trend in the recent news that CDC was purportedly instructed not to use the word "transgender" in its budget documents and that HHS is withholding thousands of comments regarding its plan to reduce

Trump, so far: a ‘mixed bag’ of ‘no surprises’

President Trump has managed to worry both his right-wing religious supporters and the LGBT community in his first 100 days, as he gives with one hand and takes away with the other.

U.S. House: Races of top interest to LGBT voters

LGBT candidates and issues are playing a role in many of the close contests between Democrats and Republicans vying for U.S. House seats next month.