Tag Archives: houston

Speed Read: Bathroom battle cry

Opponents of Houston's newly passed non-discrimination ordinance are going for the jugular: focusing on fears that respecting the rights of transgender citizens means opening up women's bathrooms to "predators, pedophiles, and rapists." At the same time this second-round is underway,

Houston: Celebrating new law and bracing for the next battle

In a battle she characterized as “very personal” and “about me,” Annise Parker, the openly gay mayor of the fourth most populous city in the United States, won a victory last Thursday. She convinced the Houston City Council to establish

Speed Read: Houston vote today

The Houston City Council votes today on whether to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Maine's commission on campaign ethics votes today on whether to penalize the National Organization for Marriage for failure to comply with the

Speed Read: Log Cabin attacks Polis

Log Cabin Republicans is running attack ads against an openly gay Congressman. Opponents of Houston's lesbian Mayor Annise Parker's proposed non-discrimination ordinance threaten to launch a recall election against her. North Dakota is left standing as the only state with

Speed Read: Ninth Circuit stays Idaho

The Ninth Circuit has temporarily stopped same-sex couples from marrying in Idaho when a federal judge's ruling is due to go into effect today. The St. Louis Rams head coach has taken pro-active measures to ensure a smooth transition for

Speed Read: Supreme rejection

The Supreme Court refused to take review of an appeal from a photographer who violated non-discrimination laws by refusing a lesbian couple. Nebraska came close to passing a non-discrimination law that included sexual orientation and gender identity. Houston's lesbian mayor

Speed Read: Mayor Parker wins a round

A federal judge in Texas refused Thursday to grant a stay of Houston Mayor Annise Parker's policy of granting equal benefits to gay married city employees. A federal judge in Arizona has agreed to let Lambda Legal's lawsuit for state

Speed Read: Eyes on Sotomayor

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is pondering whether to grant Utah a stay of the federal district court decision that is allowing same-sex couples to marry in that state. Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist apologizes profusely. Arsonist sought in New

Speed Read: Eyes on Utah again today

Utah’s new attorney general will be sworn in today and has indicated he hopes to send a request to the U.S. Supreme Court today seeking a stay on a federal district court ruling that has allowed same-sex couples to obtain

Speed Read: Friday 20 December 2013

New Mexico becomes the 17th marriage equality state. Figure skater Brian Boitano becomes the third openly gay person in the U.S. official delegation to the Olympic games in Russia. A judge in Houston blocks lesbian Mayor Annise Parker's plan to