Tag Archives: Gregory Angelo

Speed Read: Log Cabin gets booster

Houston Mayor Annise Parker has introduced a human rights bill that goes farther than many thought she would. A major trade group has promised "financial support" to Log Cabin Republicans. And Rep. David Cicilline is in the Ukraine to show

Speed Read: Let us eat bologna!

A federal judge in Ohio today is expected to issue his formal ruling, striking down that state's ban on same-sex couples marrying. Senator Baldwin is fighting for the right to call bologna bologna. And Rep. Kyrsten Sinema will run the

State of the Union: LGBT leaders disappointed in what was missing

In his State of the Union address, President Obama spoke of a nation working on issues such as marriage equality and earning the respect of other nations “because we believe in the inherent dignity and equality of every human being,

Speed Read: Friday 6 December 2013

While waiting to hear what agreement, if any, a House-Senate committee comes up with in hopes of avoiding an automatic round of sequestration cuts in January, one LGBT community health clinic warns that such cuts could seriously jeopardize its mission.

Speed Read: Friday 22 November 2013

A think tank reports makes the case that Congress needs to broaden the definition of who can use the Family Medical Leave Act. Log Cabin Republican head says Republican goodwill is lost in Democrat "power-grab" to curtail filibusters. Attorneys General

ENDA appears to have 60 votes in Senate, but House not likely to budge

With one sentence, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promised, during his remarks on the floor Monday, that he will bring the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to the Senate floor during the current Senate work period.

Concerted effort underway to get more Republicans behind ENDA

Now that Congress has a little breathing room to discuss legislation beyond the budget, groups hoping to advance bills to help their cause are pushing hard to move their bills to the floor.

Speed Read: Wednesday 23 October 2013

Log Cabin met with representatives of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Tuesday. The New Mexico Supreme Court will hear arguments in a marriage case today. A gay couple has found a way to obtain a valid marriage license in Oklahoma. Moderate

House passes inclusive bill for victims of domestic abuse

In a major victory for Democrats, the U.S. House voted Thursday to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

LGBT groups split on Hagel as Secretary of Defense nominee

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin said that she wants to see whether Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel’s apology for anti-gay remarks 14 years ago is “sincere and sufficient.” But former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank said his opinion of Hagel has gone