Tag Archives: executive order

Obama prepares to sign executive order on federal contractors

In a sudden but not necessarily unexpected gesture, the White House indicated today that President Obama has “directed his staff” to prepare an executive order to prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or

Speed Read: Strange travel companions

Illinois' new marriage equality law went into effect officially Sunday, though more than 1,600 same-sex couples had already been married since February. And Equality Maryland is breathing easier since an anti-LGBT group failed to turn in enough signatures Saturday night

Speed Read: Ohio surprise

A federal judge in Cincinnati surprised a courtroom Friday by saying he would issue a ruling by April 14, declaring Ohio's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Michigan, meanwhile, is hoping to leap frog ahead of other appeals to the Sixth

Speed Read: ‘Pacts of cohabitating”

The Mississippi House is expected to vote on a religious bias bill today. Pope Francis says the church should "evaluate" the benefits of civil unions. Rep. Mike Michaud is helping step up pressure on President Obama for an executive order.

Speed Read: Mixed messages

Counselor to the President John Podesta said Friday that an executive order barring sexual orientation discrimination is "under consideration," but press secretary Jay Carner said it was "the wrong approach" and that the president sees ENDA as "the right way

State of the Union: LGBT leaders disappointed in what was missing

In his State of the Union address, President Obama spoke of a nation working on issues such as marriage equality and earning the respect of other nations “because we believe in the inherent dignity and equality of every human being,

Speed Read: Indiana dodges a ballot?

The Republican-dominated Indiana House cut out a significant portion of the proposed bill to ban same-sex marriage, potentially thwarting chances for the ban to be on the ballot this November. A report on the movement says that, beyond marriage, the

Speed Read: ‘One stroke of his pen’

When President Obama promised to start using his authority to sign executive orders to get things done in Washington, NGLTF Executive Director Rea Carey reminded him that the LGBT community has been pleading for an executive order to ban discrimination

Speed Read: Sochi worries escalate

Worries escalate for LGBT people heading to Sochi. Obama administration will recognize same-sex marriages from Utah. Virginia's new governor keeps his promise on Day One. And more....

Rejecting an executive order: Is it the DADT repeal strategy or a campaign decision?

The Obama administration revealed a political calculation last week: Now is not a good time to sign an executive order prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people who work for federal contractors. There has been more than the usual expression of “disappointment” from