Tag Archives: evan wolfson

Marriage equality: A busy 2012 is off and running

Pro-active efforts got underway this month to establish marriage equality in at least three more states. After a 2011 that saw marriage equality become reality in the most populous state yet and the Obama administration issuing a major statement against

2011: an “epic” year for marriage equality

One leading advocate called 2011 an “epic” year for marriage equality. Was it? While only one state -- New York -- enacted full marriage rights for same-sex couples, it was the most populous state to do so. Five other states

DOMA repeal advances out of committee

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday (November 10) voted to recommend passage of a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The bill is the Respect for

New generations are advancing equality

A new national report provides data to back up what many have sensed for a long time: that the positive shift in America’s attitudes toward equal rights for LGBT people has a lot to do with age.

New York marriage equality spurs on other states

Just as the Stonewall Riots in New York City in 1969 gave a lift to the nascent movement for equal rights for gays across the country, marriage equality in the Empire State appears to be giving a boost to marriage

Gallup shows dramatic uptick in support for same-sex marriage

A survey by the respected Gallup poll organization reports a stunning jump in support for legal recognition of the marriages of same-sex couples.

Marriage equality: It’s up to you, New York

The openly gay sponsor of a marriage equality bill in Rhode Island has said he would push for civil unions instead. Six states are considering legislation that would ask voters to ban recognition of marriage for same-sex couples. And all

Marriage Equality in 2011: Opportunities and Risks

After a 2010 with few marriage equality measures contested outside the courtroom, 2011 will likely see a number of battles state by state across the country. Three states are facing the prospect of losing marriage equality, an additional seven states could

DOJ says DOMA justified to prevent ‘inequities’

The U.S. Department of Justice filed its brief January 13 with a federal appeals court that will hear the government’s appeal of two district court decisions that found the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.

9th Circuit punts key Prop 8 question to California Supreme Court

A 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel surprised many Proposition 8 observers Tuesday when it suddenly issued five documents relating to the case. But there was no decision Tuesday in Perry v. Schwarzenegger.