Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Iowa poll finds LGBT issue important In deciding who to support in caucuses

LGBT issues have come up relatively little in the current presidential primary campaigns, but a poll out of Iowa last week says such issues do have an important influence in who likely caucus goers will choose to support. The first

Strength and longevity of legal gains may change in 2016 politics and lawsuits

Coming off another high achievement year, the LGBT community can relax and take it easy for a while now, right? This is the LGBT Golden Age, right? That may depend on whether LGBT people seek 24 karat gold equality or

GOP field: Moderates polling downward, while hostile conservatives holding on

The third Republican presidential debate is Wednesday, October 28, and here's a look at what's been learned about the candidates on LGBT issues since the second debate.

For the record: Trump on firing gays

NBC news reporter Chuck Todd asked Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump Sunday, "Should private companies be able to fire people because they're gay?"

First GOP debates: 17 candidates, one ‘humane’ response on LGBT issues

Only six of the 17 Republican presidential candidates fielded a question that hit upon an LGBT issue during last Thursday's debates. And only one of those six --Ohio Governor John Kasich— answered in a way that suggested a measure of

Initial snapshots of GOP candidates on LGBT issues: ‘Confuse everybody’

Studies have shown that only about one-third of LGBT Americans vote Republican, but there’s realistic chance a Republican will win the White House in 2016, so LGBT people need to pay attention to who might take the GOP nomination. The